Tax Credits And Deductions For Your Tax Return

Unfortunately, filing taxes could prove more difficult for taxpayers this tax year. Individuals have to worry about the requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). And Taxpayers will receive less support from the IRS thanks to scaled back support by phone. Plus, the deadline is fast approaching at the moment. But don’t get too nervous discovering your Tax Credits And Deductions.

One thing to keep in mind is that sales tax is deductible in many cases, which is useful for residents of certain states. When a state doesn’t have an income tax, such a deduction can prove useful. Likewise, the same applies to states with lower income taxes. Congress thankfully extended this sales tax deduction in time for it to apply to a taxpayer’s 2014 tax return.

Insurance premiums from a mortgage are deductible for most Americans. For this deduction, taxpayers must meet two requirements. They must have taken the loan out since 2006, and they cannot earn more than $109,000 gross annually.

Tax Credits And Deductions
Tax Credits And Deductions

Anyone that’s 70.5 years-old or older can transfer up to $1000,00 from an IRA to a charity. In doing so, seniors get a major tax break. Taxes on Social Security are lowered. Seniors will even help themselves avoid the high-income surcharge through Medicare. If you have the extra to donate, you can get big help at this time from the IRS.

An extra 3.8% surcharge is placed on investments for high earners, and taxpayers should keep that in mind.

Of course, these tax credits and deductions apply only to a 2014 tax return. Congress never made these deductions permanent, which means they require approval each year. The political landscape is always changing, so renewal is not guaranteed. See if you can take advantage while they are on the books.

Using TurboTax vs H&R Block

The well-known tax preparer H&R Block is offering free tax preparation to specific users of TurboTax for the 2014-2015 tax preparation year. This takes teh TurboTax vs H&R Block fued to the next level. The company is taking advantage of the price hike on for users who would normally use the site to prepare and submit their taxes on their own. These kinds of fights between major companies are often advantageous for customers because they result in freebies.

H&R Block is currently spreading the word online that the company will be giving a free software package of TurboTax Deluxe to customers who have already bought TurboTax Basic or TurboTax Deluxe for 2014. Free software that’s already been purchased seems counter-intuitive, but consumers have voiced their dissatisfaction that the online TurboTax Deluxe version is now missing features they’ve grown used to having for tax preparation assistance. The removal of these features has resulted in a number of negative reviews of TurboTax posted on Accessing missing C and D forms now requires the purchase of and even more expensive version of the software. This lack of access is a definite problem for individuals who need to report income from small businesses. H&R Block offers a version without the missing tools, and it’s available for anyone who sends an email to [email protected]. They need to include their contact information as well as a scan of their receipt proving they’ve purchased TurboTax Deluxe or Basic. Interested customers also need to include whether they have a Mac or Windows operating system on the computer they’ll be using for their 2015 tax preparation and submission to the IRS. Further details are available through various media outlets, though the information has been left off H&R Block’s official website so far.

TurboTax vs H&R Block
H & R Block is located at the base exchange on Barksdale Air Force Base, La. Airmen may use this service to have their taxes prepared before they are due to the Internal Revenue Service by April 15. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Alexandra M. Boutte) (RELEASED)

The offering from H&R Block is cost-effective for customers because they each receive a $55 value on the deluxe version software, particularly if they paid the initial $20 for the basic version. Many tax preparation customers consider use of use more important than the overall cost. Since the average tax refund is around $3,000 for many people, the initial cost of the preparation software is less important. Itemizing deductions will often allow individuals to write off the expense of the tax preparation itself. One of the additional goals of H&R Block is to build brand loyalty among former TurboTax users. Nearly every past DIY tax preparer has some difficulty switching to a completely unfamiliar software package for submitting their tax returns.

Hopefully his discussion has help your make a decision on your next tax software package and you can take advantage of discounts based on the TurboTax vs H&R Block feud.

Getting Your Taxes Done The Easy Way With TurboTax Canada

When it comes to doing taxes, it can be a painstaking endeavor. So many people make it sound like it is something that you can easily get done in a few minutes that you may even be tempted to wait for the last minute to get started. There are an incredible amount of problems if you wait too long to do all the paperwork and turn it in. In fact, there can be so many complications, that you will find yourself lost amidst the shuffle of trying to put together a plan to fill out all the forms, and then get a refund. If you find yourself trying to placate an angry system, it’s time to ease the burden by getting TurboTax Canada.

Filling Out Forms The Smart Way

Let’s assume that you didn’t want to purchase software or get any help. You could definitely try to go at it the “manual” way. Getting information and writing it all down on the forms in pen, fixing the numbers, calculating the things you write off, and working on all the different forms can be done. However, if you make a mistake, or if you misinterpret what is being said, you could be in trouble. Every year millions of well-meaning people get in trouble over tax miscalculations and more. Why risk it? When you could fill out forms in a smarter, more concise fashion?

TurboTax Canada
TurboTax Canada

Peace of Mind

There is a certain amount of peace that will come over you when you are filling out the correct paperwork and you are gaining ground on this financial solution. Peace of mind will come through when you fill out your forms properly, file them, and get confirmation of your refund status. This is not only like lifting a big burden off your shoulders ,it’s going to pay off in the long term, because you will not have to worry about auditing or anything along those lines.

Streamlining The Process

If nothing else, you need to look at TurboTax Canada as a way to expedite the process of paying your taxes, or at least filling out the correct information overall. Taxes are not going anywhere, and you may be dreading trying to get them done and filed. However, with the easy to use options found through this software and website, you will end up streamlining everything to the necessary questions, and that’s it. Whether you’re a tax expert or not, you will be gaining leverage here and will definitely find the maximum deductions, and refund potential.

The worst thing that you can do is not fill out forms, or just wait for the government to knock on your door. There’s nothing worse than owing back taxes, and having to deal with garnishments, penalties and more.

Teach Your Children About Taxes – Pre-teens & Young Kids

We finally get to wave good-bye to old man Winter and get ready to welcome in the Spring. One additional season that takes place around this time, is tax season. It is that time of year when everyone is busy gathering up information and organizing paperwork in anticipation of the April 30 deadline. I myself keep on top of taxes all year round by filing all my slips and receipts within a huge accordion file as I receive them. When March is at its end, I am ready for it! Having tools like TurboTax Canada makes preparing my return quite a painless, quick, and easy process.

What I call an accordion may be a shoe-box to you, as long as it holds all your receipts and important documents. However, in a shoe-box they will all be piled up on top of one another and disorganized. Now you have to lay them out on the table and take the time to sift through them all and find what you need. The sorting can take a long time.

TurboTax Canada
Tax Credits Deadline 31 July (Photo credit: HM Revenue & Customs)

Teachable Moment:

The kids might notice that you are into something, and be curious. Why not grab this moment to teach them about taxes? Even though they are still too young to be income tax payers, they are never too young to learn. It will be a chance to give them a basic concept of the process. You can explain to them why taxes are collected, and that the government collects them. They can learn what our tax dollars are supposed to be doing, like building roads and bridges, giving us opportunities for doctor visits, public schools, and lots of things we use and need every day.

Let your children get involved and learn about life this next tax season. They are smarter than we give them credit for sometimes. Let them watch you use TurboTax Canada for your own taxes.

Tax Credits and Deductions

You can show your kids how interesting and how relevant taxes can be, simply by explaining to them, that some of what they do actually affects the lowering of your taxes. A good example would be if your kids were attending parochial school. Then you could be entitled to claim part of their tuition as being a charitable donation (you would need to get a receipt from the school for verification). There are also some extracurricular activities that can provide some savings on taxes as well. If the kids are involved in gymnastics or hockey or something, the you’ll be able to claim a ‘fitness amount’. If they happen to have signed up for guitar lessons, then you can claim that as a children’s art tax credit. Raising kids can be quite taxing, so they allow you to claim child tax credits for children under 18 (bad joke but true nonetheless).

Your kids might surprise you at how interested they are in learning about how you can claim deductions for their day camp, the babysitter, day care, the nanny, and more, can be deducted as ‘child care expense’. The max on this is $7,000 for children under age 7, and then $4,000 on children 7 and above, all the way to age 16. Children who are qualified for a disability tax credit can get as much as a $10,000 credit. With knowledge, organization, and a program like TurboTax Canada, they can have a much better experience than some of us who didn’t have such a good learning head start.

Using TurboTax Canada

The days of long ago required us to wait an atrocious amount of time to receive the paperwork needed in order to file for our tax returns. Over the years, thankfully, technology has not only allowed us to eliminate the paperwork, to some extent, but has also eliminated the stress of either doing the work ourselves or finding a trustworthy company that can give you the assistance you need in getting the highest possible refund you deserve. This is where TurboTax Canada 2014 where simply blow your mind and win you over.

English: A map of Canada exhibiting its ten pr...
English: A map of Canada exhibiting its ten provinces and three territories, and their capitals. (Lambert conformal conic projection from The Atlas of Canada) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Only very recently has the Canadian Revenue Agency ceased actually mailing tax paperwork packages to their residents, and they also have basically rid the company of the Telefile system, which never really hit it off for the taxpayers in Canada. Also, for many years, those in Canada who had small returns to file were able to take care of this business by phone. While no one particularly likes change, some change is for the best, and that is exactly what TurboTax Canada 2014 is all about.

As we come to experience the advances that technology has made in all aspects of our society, we must strongly consider the fact that these advances are not strictly for writing documents and playing games, but Internet programs such as TurboTax Canada 2014 will make your tax filing, paying, and refund process so much easier, so much more expeditious of a process, that the fear of change is completely unwarranted. Not only does TurboTax assist the tax payer with every aspect of assistance they have, or any answer to any question, it is their primary desire to offer those in Canada the opportunity to eliminate that tax paying grief and rest assured they will be receiving the highest possible refund available to them in accordance to last years earnings and the taxes they have paid.

While the Canadian Revenue Agency has indeed done a bit of improvement to their NETFILE system in an attempt to make it usable on a simpler basis, they have indeed gotten rid of the access codes which had to be mailed before, causing taxpayers to endure an even longer weight. All you will need is your SIN, or Social Insurance Number, and birthdate. Due to these changes, NETFILE can now be utilized by first time users, which was not possible prior to these changes.

In conclusion, throughout the implementation of TurboTax Canada 2014, many changes have been, and will continue to be added or taken away from the process Canada uses to deal with yearly revenue payments and refunds. TurboTax is one of the most efficient and effective ways to get your taxes done honestly and quickly in Canada. By using this service as it hits full board, you will surely find TurboTax Canada 2014 to work extremely effectively for the residents of Canada and there yearly financial responsibilities.